Minimum Age 25 years old and Maximum Age 40 years old.
Education Min. D3 Department of Chemistry, Engineering and equivalent.
Minimum 3 years experience.
Tugas & Tanggung Jawab
Develop, implement, and oversee compliance with ISO 17020, 17065, ISO 17025, ISO 9001, ISO 45001, and ISO
14001 in product testing laboratories and inspection services.
Ensure compliance with OHS, environmental, and quality regulations from government, clients, and accreditation bodies (KAN, regulators, etc.).
Oversee laboratory and inspection waste management and ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
Prepare monthly reports on QHSE performance, audit findings, incidents and corrective actions.
Harus punya keterampilan:
Understanding of the implementation of management systems 9001, 14001, SMK3.
Understanding of the implementation of K3, Preferably have certification.
Understanding of Regulations and Standards especially 17020 and 17065 schemes.