HSE - Paramedic PT. Energi Persada Inti Konstruksi (Batam)

PT. Energi Persada Inti Konstruksi (Batam)

Batam, Kepulauan Riau.
HSE - Paramedic
IDR 3.500.000 IDR 10.000.000 /month
5 days ago
  • Bachelor degree of Nursing.
  • Minimum 1 years experience.
  • Holding a Hyperkes certificate.
Tugas & Tanggung Jawab
  • Manage employee medical records, including recording of health examination results and medical history.
  • Monitor the health conditions of employees working in high-risk environments (e.g., chemical or physical exposure).
  • Ensure cleanliness and sanitation of the work environment to support employee health.
  • Identify potential occupational diseases through observation and examination.
  • Providing first aid to work accidents (P3K) and handling medical emergencies.
Harus punya keterampilan:
  • Mastering Ms. Office (Word, Excel, PPT).
  • Communicative & able to work well together.
  • Understand the basics of Hyperhealth, ergonomics, and occupational health.
  • Knowledge of occupational diseases (PAK) and their prevention.
  • Mastering first aid measures in work accidents (P3K).